Thursday, September 29, 2011

Romantic Home & Me

photo via abundantpicnic.blogspot

Certainly this lucky gal (moi) has been mentioned because of her  MYconnection to the author. Yet, I'll take it just the same! How nice to find myself in the middle of Cindy's blog - Look at this article and you'll see a different perspective of the Goat Hill Fair. Something other than my own drivel. Pictures that I was unable to capture while manning my tent during the show! Cindy has a beautifully written and creatively captured blog that has been a mainstay of home decor readers for years! Go take a look! I'm honored to be named.

See what I missed??! Borrowing this photo from you, Cindy! Dang - wish I would've seen these! Told ya ...  another perspective ~

fabulous ruffle totes! photo from Romantic Home
 Here's a part about me ~
(Cindy, is this even kosher to do? I'm such a novice at blogging etiquette)

and here is my friend Shari!  She's always smiling!!! 

looking like a hot and weathered cowgirl - photo Romantic Home
Boy was it hot that day... just like Cindy mentions. Smiling, I was, pure fun and glad to see my friend.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Win Or Lose, It's How You Play The Game..

vintage football drawing

Victorious in the hunt! Many pleasurable moments, over many days of treasure seeking were had by me in the last half year. Goat Hill Fair was many months in planning and now, after the fact, I feel that I came out a winner! The game that I, we, as finders and collectors play can be quite exhilarating. Always on the look-out for that fabulous, over the top piece. The one thing that will make the perfect statement in someones treasure trove. I sought, found, repurposed, cleaned, painted and loved soooooo very many items. I sold quite a stash of them, yet I also brought far too much home again. Part of the game, I guess. So the camaraderie, the team playing and the making of a goal are a win-win situation. Yet this end result of what-to-do-with  and where-to-store-it feels like a type of loss.

I played the game fair and square.  I loved the win. I hate the loss....


Visions of yard sales and flea market spaces all Fall long may be the next game plan!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Reviving The Tent

Back at it, again! I'll share some views of my booth and revive my Tent Revival from this past weekend. Soon you shall say - couldn't she please discuss something else? For now though, the party high is still in full swing and the topic is still headlining! Here we go ~

In the morning - we had this...

after hours of work - the grounds looked like a city of white peaked, fabric huts wherein lay treasure troves of vintage lovelies ~

the gates were open promptly~

Never thought I'd be ready, but I was waiting with minutes to spare and time for photos~

All mine ~

not loving this pic ( the Sunday Best slips)

a Bible at the Sunday Supper table

a little humor
 The stakes are pulled, the canvas folded and the tent won't be pitched 'til the cows goats come home....

Monday, September 19, 2011

Until Next Time

THE END.....

Dismantling of the tent and boxing up of the leftovers ended today. The Goat Hill show closed their gates and ushered the acutal farm animals back to their pens. Success is the word being passed 'round!

I had a grand time ~

Many of my wares went to other homes. The meeting of those collectors was such fun! All along I knew that the camaraderie of my fellow vendors would be high on the list of reasons I would love doing the show. Those tent neighbors of mine were more than expected! Made new friends, garnered many ideas and took with me gobs of good memories.

a still life of Tent Revival Sunday Supper

some of those friends

My next-tent neighbor ~

a snack at the end of a LONNNNG day

The lady responsible for this event did a bang up job. Compliments abound. She is a friend - I call her          Boss-'n-Boots ~

The fog lifted, the heat rose.... music strummed and tri-tips smoked. Goat Hill hosted thousands and hopefully they'll talk about it for months to come. Word is there'll be another event in the Spring. Shall Abundant Finds take part? I want nothing more. An experience of a lifetime.

Pillow=head, Bed=feet up, air conditioning=comfort ....... aaahhhhh

Tomorrow I'll share a couple of vignettes from Abundant Finds Tent Revival inside the tent....

Thursday, September 15, 2011

What Am I Doing Posting???

Why, oh why am I taking the time to write a post? Possibly no time management skills? Nope - just needed a break from some things Goat Hill! Not all things, mind you... just some! Because this post will of course have something Goat Hill, or "find-ish" about it!

So topic for tonight.... short and sweet..... (as I have zero minutos to do it)...


What in the world is this find??.... seems I will have to look it up, pose inquiries, or Google this item myself seeing as I'm nearly the only person that reads this blog!!  HHHAHAAA... and so, I shall!

It is made of English Ironstone - which is so very collectible. It has great patine (color).

See that gorgeous stamp (marking) above....

It is crazed too! No, not as in loony! Crazed means the crackle effect on the crockery. I believe in the glaze of the pottery. Some collectors really like this.... I think it adds a little something to the piece.

What purpose did this item serve? Surely it is very simple, yet I haven't a clue. You must twist the inner portion to line-up the notches in order for the lid-with-a-hole to come off...... see below >

There you have it... a quick post. So, what is this find??

By the way, I did accomplish price tags while I waited for the photos to upload. So, not too much time wasted!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Quick Look

Setting up mock scenarios for the Goat Hill tent. .....

looks a little thrown together... not as it will actually be for the show...

and one last shot.....

In a few short days I'll post photos of the real tent!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Abundant Squash

Well, look it here what I've got growing in the box garden ~

Squash of all kinds seem to be prolific producers, yet this season that's not the case in my yard. Usually abundant, but this time just UNUSUALLY ABUNDANT!!

There's a couple others too ~

Wish that the vines had produced dozens, alas they have not.... I'll make do with the few I've carved and bring them with me to display at Goat Hill.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Not Just Hangin'

Paint brushes, hot glue guns, drills and nails

Santa and his elves would be proud of my workshop

Quite an undertaking this Goat Hill show

Much has been done, much more to do...

Here's a peak at one of my fun projects ~

vintage hangers w/cloth buttons

Some of the FINDS I've sought out are old wooden hangers. I've stamped a saying on each - "Sunday Best"..  since the Abundant Finds theme at Goat Hill harkens to tent revivals out in the country. I figured folks would hang their "Sunday best" in the closet and don them only on special occasions....

Here's what I found on sunday best :
One's best and often most formal clothing.
[From the practice among Christians of wearing one's best clothing to attend church on Sundays.]

Picked up along the way too were a couple bags of fabric covered buttons. I've added a button to each end of the hanger to prevent clothing from slipping down and off. An added touch is the finish spray I coated them with to help prevent catches and pulls from the wood. Like shown right here >

needs ironing...

Another Sunday Best item are my hand-dyed vintage slips. These slips were not easy FINDS. It has taken months to gather a dozen or so. I have to say they sure are purty. Lots of colors. Each has a little piece of decoration. There are old brooches, millinery flowers and new feathery sprigs. I'll be sure to wear one come the opening of GOAT HILL!