Thursday, June 30, 2011

What I've Come to Find....

Come to find out - I'm not a very good gardener at all! Cause you just wouldn't believe what you find when you pay close attention out there in that big ol' plot.....

I'VE FOUND that Hubby and I can't possibly consume all of the fruit and veggies we grow.

It's a jungle out there...

I'VE FOUND that not only can we not eat all that we grow, but these varmints DO eat more than their fair share ~

monument to the "cute rat" population

Oh yeah, the squirrels know us by name, address and smorgasbord offerings!! They are our "cute rats" in residence! Think we've got a few of the non-fluffy tailed kind around too - what with Henny Penny and the coop next door. Ah well, such is life on the farm in the city! What's a couple more mouths to feed when you've got an ABUNDANCE of produce!

Anyway, back to the matter at hand...

I'VE FOUND many a half devoured fruit, nut, vegetable...


Every year we say that we'll do something to discourage our "guests".  Real gardeners, orchardists, ranchers know to net their crops. Some old-country growers tie up shiny objects in their trees. That's what our Italian neighbors (Henny Penny owners) swear by. Instead we just check out our tiny crop, shrug our shoulders, and say "Oh well"!... see this is how many apricots we'll eat this year ~

picked unripe to save them from inhuman consumption

I'VE FOUND that I'm sometimes neglectful of my guardian duties. If you've seen my other blog -, you'll know  what I mean. After I posted Purple Rain I took a shot of the poor Plums' arm ~

ghastly, huh?

I'VE FOUND that I overcrowd, have far too many ideas for the space I have and HATE WEEDING!

I'm not the least bit discouraged though. All one big learning curve, this gardening, and I assume it will be a lifelong education. One of the biggest treasures I cherish is that...

I'VE FOUND - MYSELF! There is joy and satisfaction in touching the earth, planting a seed and watching it grow; in nurturing. The full circle cycle of being nourished from the items I've grown. And, of course of FEEDING the other creatures too!!

** Edited to add ** On July 6th I've linked up to Good Life Wed. on my favorite Aussie blog!!
Go see it... you'll be awed!  If you're checking in here from A Beach Cottage then be sure to see my other blog also : Follow along on my picnic of a life!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

More In A Shabby Series....

A few of the treasures you can find at Shabby-ette ~

Goodly amount of prettiness here !

Monday, June 27, 2011

Smalltown U.S.A.

Another find in another town hard-hit by the economy.... similar to other stories here. I was the only patron of this cutie. I didn't FIND a FIND at this FIND though.....  HA!

They were all decorated-up for the 4th of July!  In my head I'm pronouncing july as JU - LYE... as if I'm in the country somewhere....  and I was !

Browsing in this town while it was 100 degrees wasn't easy, but my legs needed stretching. Down the way from the shop I also found a bit of history and interesting architecture ~

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Outta My Gord ?

Valley farmers offerings of fresh produce and assorted other items too.....

On my recent trip to Northern California I stopped at a produce stand and found these dried gourds. One of my plans for Goat Hill is to decorate with dried items that give the feel of FALL, as our show is in September. At home I've started some gourd vines of my own. I'm doubtful that they will be ready in time. So, when I found these strangely beautiful prizes I scooped them up!

Pretty cool, huh?... or am I out of my gourd?

Friday, June 17, 2011

She Is! Isn't She?!

Isn't she lovely? keep singing the tune the whole way through this post..... HA! just try and stop now....
you'll be humming it all day.....

Really, isn't she lovely?

treasure find of the day!!

Isn't she wonderful??

Isn't she precious?

Isn't she pretty?

Life does have many treasures to be found. Abundant in even the most obscure places! Nearly everything pictured here was garnered with politeness and a friendly manner. The dress form FABULOUS mannequin and a few of her cohorts were "dropped in my lap" finds. During tonight's walk in the hills, I saw an estate sale sign for an upcoming date. Still, I heard laughter and politely moseyed down the drive.... meekly (yeah, right! not I!) called HELLO, HELLO... "are you ready for early sales?". The family wasn't.. so they said - yet here I am with some of their past life sitting on my porch! We got to talking and next thing ya know they told me to shop and come back after my walk! Lucky girl, I am! Great people. Unkempt, dilapidated home up for sale to be torn down! I wish I had a contractors license. I'd be yanking french doors, windows, and built-ins galore!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A Fashionable Treasure

Quite surprised at this find. It is truly THE COCK OF THE WALK !! You just don't find this sort of thing everyday! You may find one at Farm Chicks. Or you can find one in pieces at specific stores.

Didn't drive far for this one. I found mine in my own back yard - LITERALLY!




FASHIONABLE  (everybody who's anybody has one)

Get on with it already..... What is this find you might ask???

Check below for the reveal ~

A pretty hen perched on my backyard fence, and she is not mine. UNFORTUNATELY!
Just what do you think you're doing up there??     bock, bock-bock,bock says she....

I found her (doing the sideways glance that birds have perfected) as I gardened in a much ignored area of our yard. Nice surprise! And she was happy to have my attention. She had much to say and a show to put on!  Check out those gams!

Fashionable in every sense of the word is she...... She strutted the catwalk, shaking her tail feathers! Up and down, and turn around!! Priceless experience.....

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

OH! .... MY.... WORD..!!!

No more talk of computer malfunctions. Period. THE END!!!

So.. let me think. What might I possibly have to blog about??? hhhmmmm - well this particular blog is about finds. Think I'll start there ~

working bib/apron
 Apparently I fancy smocks. Or maybe they're work aprons? or long bibs of a sort.... I dunno. Somehow there is now a collection stowed in my laundry room. I really liked the color of this one. The tiny items on top are stamps with great graphic art images. They are, however, not rubber and I've found with others of this type that they're difficult to use with pad ink. Ah well..... couldn't resist anyway.

Above is the up close and personal view of said gadgets.

These cards were shown previously in a random shot of finds. Upon close inspection they are so quaint and old-school. Gotta love some of the recipes - MOCK chicken pie???!!! ha! how does one pretend, or mock chicken?? I find that really amusing. On one side of each card is a fun photo and the backside is a recipe. Must have been some sort of advertising for Adohr Dairy.

I ADORE..... Adohr!! 

If memory serves, stashed somewhere long forgotten - like maybe my HOPE CHEST (!) there are similar ads that I've kept from my Home Ec class in Junior High School. Why I'd still have them, is not clear. As seems to be the running theme in my vintage/collecting world - I've had this passion for quite some time!  

items with a beautiful history...

Possibly my finds have been resting briefly in the hope chest of another woman? Such an intriguing thought. Wouldn't you just love to know the story behind some of your treasures?

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

...... As I Was Saying

Farm Chicks overload?.... It's another post about that mighty show...

Our final day began at Chaps (again)....  yuummmmy!

Just had to get another hour of junking in before we flew home........                                                             

FOUND.... by way of other women-breakfasting at Chaps-farm chick goers... one VERY lonely, nearly ghost-like town on the fringes of Spokane!

FOUND... the town of Hillyard ~

FOUND... yet more laughs....

found - vintage buildings and signage galore!

FOUND...  treasures to bring home ~

Monday, June 6, 2011

Finds at Farmville

Traveling via air has it's good points - one arrives quicker! Luggage and air travel also have downsides - can't squeeze large items into tiny bags.... thus making treasure hunting more challenging! Only a few items made their way home with me from Spokane.

OH THE SADNESS!! So many finds, so little luggage space! I did manage to amaze my fellow travelers and finagle a bakery tray into my checked bag!

Here's a view of some bounty!

live poultry not allowed in checked luggage!

cubbies! cubbies! cubbies! far as the eye could see..
The photo above wasn't at the Farm Chicks show. It was drooled over as we ordered breakfast at Chaps - an establishment beyond dreamy! Lockers, cubicles, drawers and cubbyholes were shown aplenty at the main event. Didn't figure a way to get them on board the flight though.

There's my large bakery tray! The sweet journal monogrammed with an "S" was a gift that contained my wristband to enter junking nirvana. Love, love that funky wire covered light bulb and it's vintage cord! What on earth is that strange glass thing that the light sits upon? I don't know, and I don't care - just know that I wanted it in my home!

These finds made their way on the flight also, BARELY! We hopped over to the town of Hillyard on our way to the airport. Any finds from here had to be stuffed into our suitcases at the last minute.

Successful junking, pleasurable sightseeing, banter, laughter, camaraderie galore!! What a memorable weekend.  Farm Chicks delivered!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Farm Chicks

TESTING.... 1, 2, 3.... 

If luck is on my side then the test will work, and I'll be back to blogging. So far so good....  nothing has exploded, or imploded ....  Will my camera work too? only time will tell.

Flying the coop tomorrow. I'm FINALLY making my way to The Farm Chicks Antique Show. Check one off the ol' bucket list. Not getting to my destination any too quickly though. This chick is taking a very indirect route. Flying the coop is tougher these days. Trying to get to Spokane, Washington; getting there by way of Arizona.  What????   I know - weird, huh? On the way back to my nest I'll spread my wings in Denver.

I'll finish this post and run to pack. Spent extra time on many other things - like:

lil' travel goodies for my co-chicks!

The bags are filled with items to make us feel pampered. How the heck does one do that on a plane? I added silly monkey socklets for our toes. Some sleepy-time echinacea tea to keep us healthy. The smell-me bag is filled with lavender from my garden. Good for resting. Snacks and farm-y napkins included.

Alrighty then - seems this blogging thing is really going to work! Maybe I'm back in business?