So, I did it - I stepped back in to a second hand shop. Even though I've declared that I'm not hunting for treasure. I'm supposedly full to the gills with FINDS. I'm not in need of any further Goat Hill stock, says she! Nonetheless I came home with a boatload of goodies.
Barely had time to snap a shot of them. In fact these are hardly worth mentioning. The rest of the loot was already tucked inside boxes and itemized on lists, so I simply could not pull them out to show you.
Not such a good angle on this picture... that chair is RUSTIC PERFECT! soooo sweet! Can you tell that those two hat boxes are a beautiful shade of turquoise? The torn up and rusted screen is also a vintagey Jade-ite hue.Seems that I've got a color scheme going on for the show. Greens, blues and every spectrum in betwixt! Don't forget the yellow! It's all captured masterfully in this sunflower oil painting I picked up awhile back. Can you see it in this next shot?
I'd bet that the painting will find a home on my walls, rather than a Fair customer's shopping basket!
This basket looked just as it is - SO FRESH and PRETTY when I pulled it from the car. Just had to take it's picture. That sunflower head has a place in my tent at Goat Hill... along with many more dried flowers. Accumulated many of them today as well.